Sunday, November 25, 2012

Questions & Answers - Liam

1) Who is the main character in the novel?
2) In what country does this book take place?
3) What village does the main character come from?
4) What is different about the main characters family, when compared to many families in that culture?
5) What are the names of the main characters companions?
6) What plant do the boys dig from the ground and eat raw?
7) What does RUF stand for?
8) Before the fighting began, what did the boys love to do together?
9) How do the boys avoid passing through villages?
10) In your opinion, why do you think the RUF uses young boys as soldiers?

1) Ishmael Beah.
2) Sierra Leone.
3) Mogbwembo.
4) Ishmael and Junior's parents are divorced.
5) Junior, Talloi, Gabrilla, Kaloko and Khalilou.
6) They dig up cassava plants and eat them raw.
7) RUF stands for the Revolutionary United Front.
8) The boys would rap and dance to hip hop.\
9) The boys would detour around the villages to avoid being seen.

In my opinion however:
I believe that the RUF uses boy soldiers because of a few reasons. First off, the boys are young, they are frightened and they are easily influenced. The soldiers can use this, and recruit these boys to do terrible things. Second of all, these boys are "expendable", meaning that they are worthless to the RUF, and are only good for killing and dying. And lastly, there are so many children, that the RUF could have vast fighting capabilities with using young boys alone.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mikayla and group!
    Please write your discussion answers in full sentences and try to present answers which have a bit of depth and reflect the discussion in your group.
    Having said that, you can see how difficult this would be for some of your particular questions. They did not invite discussion or analysis and therefore were not effective for this type of group assignment. Please keep this in mind for next week. Ms. Morton
