Friday, November 30, 2012

Journal #2 - Mikayla

First of all I would like to say that this part of the book frustrated me a lot! I was so mad when he was super close to seeing his family and as he was seconds away, there was an attack in the village they lived in. I was so excited for him to see his family and I truly thought he would see them. Of course though, nothing is ever too good for long in this book. I would be feeling tremendous regret if I were Ishmael. I would have wished that I left the night before despite the loss of their friend.
It was really nice when that one village had a feast. They seemed very peaceful and happy. When Ishmael was describing the ceremony his village had when he was born, reminded me of The Lion King. Especially when he said his dad had held him up just like Rafiki did with Simba when he was born!
I was confused at first when Ishmael said there was a gun pointed at him. I was sure the rebels had captured them. Although they were the 'good guys' they are harsh. It is sad to read about the young boys who are only 9 and 11 and joined the army. Even though it's either they join or they run away and try to survive, there are clearly not mentally or physically ready to fight. 
Although the book got really intense at one point, this section wasn't as exciting and interesting as the first quarter. The mood right now is pretty gloomy and depressing. I can't in vision Beah describing any somewhat happy moments any time soon. 
Honestly, I didn't know much about what happened in Sierra Leone. I would really like to find a documentary or read another victims story. 


  1. Mikayla, i agree with you in some aspects, for example, i thought he would see his family again, but he didn't and I also think it is really hard to join the army with 9 years old. But that was the only way they could survive!!
    I just disagree with you when you say that the first quarter was more exciting. I preferred this sections, although, it was "harder" to read.

  2. I agree with you about the first quarter being more exciting, I loved the way the book started. The second section was my least favorite.
    I also really liked when Ishmael was describing the ceremony the village had when he was born. It's true, it really did remind me of The Lion King!
