Sunday, December 2, 2012

Journal #2 - Liam

This section of the book really made my thoughts go crazy. It almost seems that when the boys are on the coast, in the tiny hut with the man who's name is unknown, that they are untouched by the war. It seems like they're getting better, they're not depressed anymore, they aren't lost. It seems almost slowly they're recovering. I think this, but then I remember the title, and how it says Memoirs of a Boy Soldier. I think to myself that things will get better, but then I realize how things are about to get much worse in the book. 

I cannot believe how physically and mentally tough these young boys are. Their feet are shredded, they outrun death on almost a daily basis, and yet they're still going strong. I honestly have no idea how they do it. Is it just their will to live? To find their families? Looking back on the first part of the book, when Ishmael was alone in the forest, I have no idea how I'd keep myself safe from my own thoughts. The horrors he'd witnessed, and then being all alone, with no companions and hardly any food, I'd over-think everything and drive myself insane. It truly amazes me how strong these boys are individually, and how much stronger they are as a team.

I'm also surprised at the generosity of the man who's name is unknown. When the boys usually encounter other people, the people run away in terror, fearing their lives. The man who owns the hut however, greets them with much generosity and hospitality. He feeds them, gives them shelter, and even heals their wounds. This actions stick out. The boys are so used to being on the bottom, and so used to having a survival of the fittest situation, in which case they never win. When the man opens up to them, it shows almost a contrast in what the boys are used to, and to myself as the reader, it gave a little light to a fairly dark topic.


  1. Liam, I had the same impression as you when they were at the hut, been helped by the unknown man. It was too good to be true... When I was in that part of the book, I remember thinking if they wouldn't get a boat and leave the country. Sadly, they were captured once again and were forced to join the army in order to survive.

  2. I loved the part with the unknown man who helped them! I thought it was so great to see somebody be so kind and generous and not judge the boys thinking they are rebels. I too cannot understand how they aren't mentally breaking down, but I think they just went a little crazy and had to shut it all out.


  3. I know that if I was in their position I would be having mental break downs. Like Mikayla, I also liked when the unknown man helped them out without thinking of them as a danger, he really had a good heart.I wouldn't be able to stay as strong as the boys, after a couple of days I would give up.
