Sunday, December 9, 2012

Journal #3 - Natacha

         In this section of the book Ishmael starts his journey as a boy soldier. His lieutenant, Jacobi, gives them their orders but also decides to give them drugs and convince them that killing is alright or normal. Marijuana, cocaine and brown brown are just some of the drugs that Ishmael and the others boys became addicted to over the time. They caused the boys to not be able to sleep properly and to think differently. It disgusts me that grown adults would give kids so young drugs, not to mentions most kids at that age should even know what drugs are or be any where near drugs. The lieutenants have convinced Ishmael and the other soldiers that the rebels are responsible for killing their family so that they feel the need to retaliate and punish the rebels by killing them. In chapter fourteen, Ishmael kills a rebel prisoner by slitting his throat. He felt no remorse in committing this act of pure violence which shows how his character has changed and how he had lost his morals.
    Later in the book the boys get taken by some in-city soldiers who bring them to a compound which turns out to be a UNICEF rehabilitation centre called The Benin Home. As the workers try to help the boys by feeding them, they start to rage because they're going through withdrawal. After fighting against the nurses and doctors, Ishmael finally gets injected with a sedative to calm him down and so he can get some sleep. I congratulate the nurses and doctors who risked their lives to help the boy soldiers recover. I wouldn't be able to stay as patient as the workers at the rehabilitation centre.
   This portion of the book is just the beginning of Ishmael's recovery and I'm happy that he is given a second chance in life. 


  1. I find in most circumstances of the book, I kept forgetting how old Ishmael was. Then, I would picture a little 14 or 15 year old boy with a gun sniffing drugs and it doesn't even seem possible. Imagine if that was you and I?! Not to mention how unhealthy whatever brown brown was and sniffing gun powder is!


    1. Yeah, I also kept forgetting how old he was. But as young as he was he obviously had to mature a lot faster. In age he was a child, but in reality his childhood was taken away from him and he was already living like an adult, but in a dangerous situation. I would never be able to imagine us in his position, it just doesn't seem like a reality.

  2. Natasha, what you said about the drugs, in those circumstances the adults don't care. The only thing they cared was to make the boys kill the rebels. If they had to make them do drugs or if they had to make a brainwash on the boys, for them that was no problem! It is what Machiavelli said: "The ends justify the means."
