Monday, December 10, 2012

Journal #4 - Mikayla

                This was by far my favorite part of the section and saddest! I want him to continue his story! After reading the story I really want to meet Ishmael, or see him dance and sing. It was interesting how him and Mohamed reunited like nothing had happened and started singing and dancing.

                I was so emotional when he met his uncle! His uncle seems so caring and generous because he gives Ishmael presents and food although he isn't the wealthiest man. It must have been so much for him and his family to agree on letting Ishmael live with them without really knowing the crimes he had done and personality he has. As Ishmael said, men in his society rarely cried so reading about his uncle made a big impact. I felt really bad for his friends whose family did not want them and who joined the army again. It just shows how strong Ishmael is even though he knew he couldn't stay any longer or he would join the army as well.

                It must have been hard for Ishmael to not be able to tell anybody his past. Not that he really wanted to, but all those girls shut him down because he wouldn't be able to answer their questions and it isn't his fault.

                Funniest part of this whole book is when he went to New York. Even before that when his uncle didn't take him seriously and thought they were just lying to them. Then when his uncle found out that he was actually there, he was just like O.K. well stay inside and tell us about it when you get home like it was no big deal! It was all just so comical how Ishmael was so confused with the little white things falling from the sky and how cold it was.

                It felt like a long and intense journey when Ishmael was trying to make his way to Guinea. It was relieving as a reader to know that he got there and was practically done with running away.

                Loved it!!!!


  1. Mikayla, very good post! This was my favourite part of the book too, but i didn't understand why do you think it is sad... As you said, his uncle must have been a very good man. Accepting a boy that he barely knew as a son. I don't know if I would be able to do that. About the trip to New York, I was amused that no one advertised him about the cold weather he would face. At that point, I could put myself in his shoes and I felt pity for him because of the cold I'm feeling here in Canada. haha

  2. When I read books I get really in to them and I was sad because I wanted to know where he went next and what happened at the compound. Like you mentioned in your journal the ending was poor and ended on an interesting note. Again, I think you would be able to take him in given different circumstances.


  3. This part is my favorite as well. Even though I was left wanting to know more, I think that a reader is left wanting more after reading a good book. My favorite part of the book was when he was in New York, as you described, it was very funny when Ishmael was confused with the "little white things falling from the sky" and how cold it was because obviously he was immuned to the warmth of Sierra Leone.
    Well done!!
