Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Review - Response

        I would definitely agree with this review. William Boyd definitely made some very agreeable points that made me more aware of the meaning of the book and it's purpose. He started off by giving a little summary and background of Sierra Leone and the civil war and saying that the conflict was not so much about the war but between Ishmael's struggles within himself and his journey. I had never thought about it that way. I often wondered as well, how many people Ishmael Beah killed when he was a soldier.

        Boyd was able to explain and make me come to realization of things that I did not now how to put in words. It was interesting to read a response and agree with everything. He was able to summarize the main factors and points in the novel that we had discussed in class as a group. I would imagine the average person who has read this book would feel the same emotions and have the same thoughts.
        When he said “ Who of us in our 20s could accurately summon up our day-by-day lives as preteens?”, he recognized Ishmael's remarkable memory which plays such a big role in the book yet it is not specifically mentioned that Ishmael could remember very precise details that the average person would not.
        Overall his review was to the point. I was able to relate with his statements and agree with him on almost everything especially since he had actually been close to experiencing something similar.

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