Sunday, December 16, 2012

Journal #4 - Liam

Wow. The final chapters of the book. I think I speak for most readers when I say that the book has taken us through a ton of different thoughts and emotions. I find it sad, how he reaches safety but he still struggles for survival. He's addicted to many drugs, he can't process thoughts, and he hates the people trying to help him, because he sees it as he's being given orders. His experiences turned him into someone completely different from the start of the book. He hurts the innocent, steals, does everything that he would never do before the war. This is what's sort of sad. He has finally made it to the final checkpoint, but it is the hardest of all to overcome. He is addicted to drugs, and kills without second though. He has been brainwashed into a war-machine, and listens to no reason. It isn't his fault, he had no control. It was this, or be killed. What would you have chosen?

Ishmael has gotten to the point where he literally feels no pain. He breaks a window with his bare hand, and moves it back and forth so he can be taken back to the hospital, where he is safe and given shelter. After everything he has done, he's still forced to use power and wit just to survive.

When Ishmael is asked to perform for the EC, UN and UNICEF at the center, it showed how he may appear to be lost, but deep down there is still a little of himself left. Esther asks him to sing his reggae songs, but he asks to recite Shakespeare instead. This shows how intelligent he remains to be. He was always fascinated by such things, and this event shows how not all is lost. Towards the end of the book, he is more or less appearing normal, however the horrors he experienced and took part in, will never leave his mind. Amazing book, incredible story.

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